Parent Roles

Parent Roles

Parent Roles

Parent Roles


Boundary  Umpire

Boundary Umpire

Boundary Umpire

Boundary  Umpire

If you are unable to fill this role please ensure you use Whats App to find someone to take your place. 

We need to complete team sheets and submit them to the league by Thursday prior to each game - so please ensure you arrange a replacement with plenty of time to spare.

Match Day Requirements
• Must wear a white shirt
• Must be supplied with a whistle
• Adjudicate when the ball is out of bounds

• Ensure that the whole of the ball is over the
whole of the line before blowing whistle
• To be out of bounds on the full the ball can
come off any part of the leg below the knee
• When the ball makes contact with the behind
post it is out of bounds
• When the ball makes contact with the behind
post, on the full from a kick, it is out of bounds
on the full



Bib and duties

Bib and duties



If you are unable to fill this role please ensure you use Whats App to find someone to take your place. 

We need to complete team sheets and submit them to the league by Thursday prior to each game - so please ensure you arrange a replacement with plenty of time to spare.

Please Note:
If your trainer needs to re-stock the team's first aid kit, please do so, and then send a receipt and bank account details for reimbursement to:

Compulsory Requirements
Working with Children Check

Level 1 First Aid Accreditation minimum, Emergency
Response Coordinator recommended

Match Day Requirements
Restricted to attending injured players on the ground

Must wear Single Use Disposable Gloves when attending to players (masks if player show signs of sickness)

Obtain qualified medical assistance where injury appears of a serious nature

Ensure venue stretcher is visible and readily available

Must not coach on the ground

Must refrain from talking to or questioning umpires

Must not interact with opposition players or officials either physically or verbally





Goal Umpire

Goal Umpire

If you are unable to fill this role please ensure you use Whats App to find someone to take your place. 

We need to complete team sheets and submit them to the league by Thursday prior to each game - so please ensure you arrange a replacement with plenty of time to spare.

Match Day Requirements

You will be given a white coat, 2 white flags, a scorecard & pen.

Record each Goal or Point scored by both teams on the score card.

The whole of the ball must be over the whole of the line to be a score.

Signal all Goals & Points scored by either team at either end of the
ground by waving the flags in time with the Goal Umpire at the
opposite end of the ground.

Wave 2 flags for a Goal

Wave 1 flag for a Point

If the ball hits the post signal a point by first touching the post

If a player touches the ball before rolling through signal a point
by first tapping the back of your hand

During Quarter Time breaks you must check your score card with
the Opposition Goal Umpire (advise the Umpire if discrepancy)

Hand your completed scorecard back to the Team Manager at the
end of the match

For Under 8, Under 9 and Under 10 Girls there is NO official scoring– ignore
instructions relating to scoring.

No coaching allowed


Time Keeper



Time Keeper

Time Keeper

If you are unable to fill this role please ensure you use Whats App to find someone to take your place. 

We need to complete team sheets and submit them to the league by Thursday prior to each game - so please ensure you arrange a replacement with plenty of time to spare.

To ensure that quarters run no longer than allocated time.
To ensure that breaks run no longer than allocated time
To acknowledge umpire's entrance to ground prior to first and third quarters (blow siren)
To signal 2 minute warning (blow 2 short bursts of siren) prior to completion of all breaks. I minute warning (1 short burst of siren)
To keep track of and note score in the event of dispute

Length of Quarters
U8 Mixed 10 Minutes
U9 Mixed & U10 Girls 12 Minutes
U10 - U13 Mixed, U11 - U14 Girls 15 Minutes
U14 Mixed - Colts Boys, U15-U18 Girls 20 Minutes

All U8s, U9s & U10 Mixed & Girls:
All breaks = 5 mins

All other Age Groups:
4 time = 4 mins, ½ time = 12 mins, % time = 7 mins







If you are unable to fill this role please ensure you use Whats App to find someone to take your place. 

We need to complete team sheets and submit them to the league by Thursday prior to each game - so please ensure you arrange a replacement with plenty of time to spare.

Compulsory Requirements
Registered in Coach AFL
Foundation AFL Coach Accreditation
Working with Children Check 

Level 1 First Aid Accreditation

Match Day Requirements
Must remain in the designated Coach's Box area
Must adhere to the Coach's Code of Conduct
Must have read and understood the YJFL Bylaws

Even Up Rule
All coaches must read and adhere to YJFL Even Up Rule
Up to and including Under 12 Teams
Clubs must loan or accept the number of players required to even up the teams.
Once advised, all coaches must implement the requirements of this rule in a timely manner

Ensure only players listed as playing are In the coaching area
Do not change bibs. The YJFL can issue fines if this occurs
Do not question/attempt to influence umpires
Do not approach umpires – only TM may do this
Under 8’s and 9’s coach from the field


Assistant Coach

Assistant Coach

Assistant Coach

Assistant Coach

Assistant Coach

If you are unable to fill this role please ensure you use Whats App to find someone to take your place. 

We need to complete team sheets and submit them to the league by Thursday prior to each game - so please ensure you arrange a replacement with plenty of time to spare.

Compulsory Requirements
Registered in CoachAFL
Foundation AFL Coach Accreditation
Working with Children Check

Level 1 First Aid Accreditation

Match Day Requirements
Must remain in the designated Coach's Box area
Must adhere to the Coach's Code of Conduct
Must have read and understood the YJFL By-Laws

Even Up Rule
All coaches must read and adhere to YJFL Even Up Rule Up to and including Under 12 Teams
Clubs must loan or accept the number of players required to even up the teams.
Once advised, all coaches must implement the requirements of this rule in a timely manner







If you are unable to fill this role please ensure you use Whats App to find someone to take your place. 

We need to complete team sheets and submit them to the league by Thursday prior to each game - so please ensure you arrange a replacement with plenty of time to spare.

Compulsory Requirements
Working with Children Check

Match Day Requirements
Must remain in the designated Coach's Box area when not delivering messages
May remain on the field only long enough to deliver two (2) messages
Must not coach on the ground
Must refrain from talking to or questioning umpires Must not interfere with opposition players or officials either physically or verbally
Must remain outside the marked arc when there is a set shot on goal or a kick in

Also Please Note:
Do not change bibs
Do not question/attempt to influence umpires
Do not approach umpires - only TM may do this No runner in Under 8's and 9's as coaches coach from the field


Ground Manager

Ground Manager

Ground Manager

Ground Manager

Ground Manager

If you are unable to fill this role please ensure you use Whats App to find someone to take your place. 

We need to complete team sheets and submit them to the league by Thursday prior to each game - so please ensure you arrange a replacement with plenty of time to spare.

Minimum Requirements
A responsible adult not holding any other match day official role
Have adequate knowledge of club's facilities
Have access to details of police, ambulance, hospital etc.

Match Day Requirements
Monitor Crowd Behaviour
Ensure no spectators are between the arcs at 4 and 34 time breaks
Bring any inappropriate conduct to the attention of club officials
Be the point of contact for any queries or concerns about the venue

Ground Manager for the first Team of the day
Arrive no later than 30 minutes prior to the first game of the day to
complete the following tasks:
1. Obtain clubroom keys from the Team Manager and unlock the
gate to the car park.
2. Unlock the padlock to the emergency vehicle access gate to the
3. Unlock the new pavilion Parkside change room and disarm the
alarm for both buildings – code ****. Alarm instructions are next to
the alarm console on the wall inside the door.
4. Place witches hats (stored in the Parkside rooms) in the carpark to
ensure cars do not block emergency access to the ground
5. Unlock the social rooms,  visitor change room, disabled toilet and
umpire rooms at the rear of the building.
6. Unlock the rubbish bin cage behind the new pavilion and take 3
large recycling bins and 3 general waste bins – place one of each in the
following positions:
• Near the Canteen
• Near disabled toilet
• Left side of the Clubrooms near ramp to the Toilets.
7. Unlock the change rooms next to the canteen and chock the doors to remain open.
8. Unlock the main Clubroom area for access to the defibrillator.
9. Unlock and open access door to the Toilets (located on the far side
of the Clubrooms). Check toilet paper – refill roles if required (found
in cupboard under sink in clubrooms or in disabled toilet).
10. Unlock the padlock for the emergency vehicle access gate to the
11. Ensure the ground is free of rubbish, sticks, stones & dog poo
(spade in new pavilion Parkside change room).
12. Conduct ground inspection and complete Ground Inspection
Report (keep and return to Team Manager)
13. Set up the ground according to Under 8, 9 & Under 10 Girl’s
requirements: place peaked cones for the boundary lines, red
zone discs & set up goals at either end (equipment in cupboard
in new changerooms).
14. Unlock Timekeepers room & roller door (use small key).
15. Under 11 and above, turn on the scoreboard (instruction on wall).
16. Locate stretcher in the Timekeeper room and place between the
2 Interchange boxes.
17. Locate Chains/posts in the Timekeeper room and place behind
both Interchange boxes.
18. Locate Goal Post Pads (kept in trap door under Timekeepers
room) and place on the goal posts.
19. Take out the A frame board about kids playing football from
clubrooms and place near where players run onto the oval.
20. Check that a Colbrow medic has arrived. If a no show, please call
the Colbrow Matchday number 1300 550 123. 


Umpire Escort

Umpire Escort

Umpire Escort

Umpire Escort

Umpire Escort

If you are unable to fill this role please ensure you use Whats App to find someone to take your place. 

We need to complete team sheets and submit them to the league by Thursday prior to each game - so please ensure you arrange a replacement with plenty of time to spare.

Minimum Requirement
A responsible adult

Match Day Requirements
Escort the umpires onto the ground prior to the commencement of the first and third quarters
Escort the umpires from the ground at the conclusion of the second and fourth quarters
Remain with the umpires during the quarter time and three quarter time breaks
Ensure that spectators, players or officials do not confront the umpires during these occasions

Special Note
Only the team captain or Team Manager are permitted to interact with the umpire during these occasions


Team Manager

Team Manager

Team Manager

Team Manager

Team Manager

If you are unable to fill this role please ensure you use Whats App to find someone to take your place. 

We need to complete team sheets and submit them to the league by Thursday prior to each game - so please ensure you arrange a replacement with plenty of time to spare.

 TM’s should make contact with opposing TM before the game

• Meet with opposing TM and umpires at breaks and after game to enquire if any issues have been reported
through (i.e. players verbally or physically abusing; officials/parent behaviour)

• TM’s report to conduct group & President of resolved or unresolved issues

• Team Managers must not approach, or interact with, opposition players and officials apart from liaising with the opposition Team Manager.

• Team Managers are not to be in the Coaches areas.

• Only Team Managers may liaise with Umpires at matches, unless the Umpire/s initiate an approach to other Club
Officials. On the field, only the team captain may approach the Umpire/s.

• A Team Manager can approach the umpires during quarter breaks if there are any concerns regarding the match.

• It is highly recommended that a TM raises any concerns with the Opposition TM and/or Umpire during the
game so it can be resolved quickly.

• If a report is made against one of our players the Team Manager is the only person that can accompany the player to
speak with the Umpire & if required accept or decline the Umpires ruling or penalty - see YJFL Rules for more


click to view file team_sheet_round_1.pdf
click to view file Bundoor_Park_Oval_operation_2023.pdf
click to view file Ground_Inspection_Report.pdf
click to view file Rules_Matrix_2023.pdf
click to view file Junior_Matchday_Guidelines.pdf
click to view file PJFC_Team_Manager_Info_Pack.pdf
click to view file team_sheet_round_1.pdf

Oranges + Snakes

Snakes and Oranges

Snakes and Oranges

Snakes and Oranges

Snakes and Oranges

If you are unable to fill this role please ensure you use Whats App to find someone to take your place. 

Match Day Requirements
Oranges cut into quarters for half time.
2 Bags of Snakes for after the game

Oranges in a large tupper ware for easy access.
Bring a second tupper ware or large empty plastic bag for the peels.
Do not go onto the ground to deliver these.





Scoreboard Attendant


If you are unable to fill this role please ensure you use Whats App to find someone to take your place. 

We need to complete team sheets and submit them to the league by Thursday prior to each game - so please ensure you arrange a replacement with plenty of time to spare.


• Ensure that scoreboard continuously displays
current score

• Can be done by the Time Keeper

• Check score with goal umpires at the end of each

• League supplied goal umpires will wave flags to
confirm scoreboard is correct at the conclusion of
each quarter

*Home Games Only.
*No Scoreboard for Under 8’s and 9’s


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Trainer Sonya Moore

Boundary Umpire Ollie Oostermeyer

Goal Umpire Alex McKEnzie

Timekeeper/Scoreboard Lesley Bartlett

Umpire Escort Victoria Dupuche

Ground Manager  Luke Browne 

Parent Votes Trent Wharburton

Snakes / Oranges Claire Perry

Coach Scott Nugent

Team Manager Sam Rolfe

Runner James Trescowthick

Assistant Coach Stewart Eager

Thanks everyone and good luck to the kids - Go Devils.